OSI Databank portal


One of many projects that OptimIT implemented for International organizations based on long term cooperation is OSIDB („On-site Inspection Databank “). OSIDB is portal based solution used internally for inspection planning process. Our main roles beside implementation are maintenance and support during inspection practices.

Idea, who, what

Long term cooperation with international organizations gave our development team knowledge about complex infrastructure of international organizations and their specific requests and opened door for one more custom-made solution – OSIDB portal. OSIDB portal is central point for inspection planning process.

Challenge, goal

The purpose of OSIDB portal is support for inspection planning in case of disaster.

In order to provide information about all countries, point of entries in certain country (like airports), point of contacts for every country and list of inspectors that participate in inspection process, OSIDB portal is integrated with many external databases (equipment list database, countries database…).

When disaster happens, inspectors go on the field to collect information using defined procedures and using OSIDB portal as main inspection databank.

Main goal was to create one central place for inspection planning and to integrate all external databases and services in one place – OSIDB portal.

Strategy, Technology, Solution

In order to fulfill customer’s needs and achieve flexibility that customer requested, Liferay portal technology was used. Liferay provides simple way for integration with external systems, databases, services etc. Information gathered from external systems and databases (like equipment list database and country database) is used for inspection planning procedure as main purpose of OSIDB portal.

Liferay portal technology also allows easy integration with Alfresco document management system. Alfresco document management is used as central document storage for OSIDB portal.

OSIDB portal solution is made up of several modules: Country module, Point of Entry (POE) module, Point of Contact (POC) module, Inspectors module and Inspection planning module as central module of OSIDB portal that utilizes information from other modules.